Online Tutor Application Form Full Name: Email Address: Phone Number: Date of Birth: Address: Nationality: Afganistán Albania Alemania Andorra Angola Antigua y Barbuda Arabia Saudita Argelia Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaiyán Bahamas Bangladés Barbados Baréin Bélgica Belice Benín Bielorrusia Birmania Bolivia Bosnia y Herzegovina Botsuana Brasil Brunéi Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Bután Cabo Verde Camboya Camerún Canadá Catar Chad Chile China Chipre Ciudad del Vaticano Colombia Comoras Corea del Norte Corea del Sur Costa de Marfil Costa Rica Croacia Cuba Dinamarca Dominica Ecuador Egipto El Salvador Emiratos Árabes Unidos Eritrea Eslovaquia Eslovenia España Estados Unidos Estonia Etiopía Filipinas Finlandia Fiyi Francia Gabón Gambia Georgia Ghana Granada Grecia Guatemala Guyana Guinea Guinea ecuatorial Guinea-Bisáu Haití Honduras Hungría India Indonesia Irak Irán Irlanda Islandia Islas Marshall Islas Salomón Israel Italia Jamaica Japón Jordania Kazajistán Kenia Kirguistán Kiribati Kuwait Laos Lesoto Letonia Líbano Liberia Libia Liechtenstein Lituania Luxemburgo Macedonia del Norte Madagascar Malasia Malaui Maldivas Malí Malta Marruecos Mauricio Mauritania México Micronesia Moldavia Mónaco Mongolia Montenegro Mozambique Namibia Nauru Nepal Nicaragua Níger Nigeria Noruega Nueva Zelanda Omán Países Bajos Pakistán Palaos Panamá Papúa Nueva Guinea Paraguay Perú Polonia Portugal Reino Unido República Centroafricana República Checa República del Congo República Democrática del Congo República Dominicana Ruanda Rumanía Rusia Samoa San Cristóbal y Nieves San Marino San Vicente y las Granadinas Santa Lucía Santo Tomé y Príncipe Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leona Singapur Siria Somalia Sri Lanka Suazilandia Sudáfrica Sudán Sudán del Sur Suecia Suiza Surinam Tailandia Tanzania Tayikistán Timor Oriental Togo Tonga Trinidad y Tobago Túnez Turkmenistán Turquía Tuvalu Ucrania Uganda Uruguay Uzbekistán Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Yibuti Zambia Zimbabue Languages you speak: Name of Institution: Degree/Diploma Earned: Major/Field of Study: GPA (if applicable): How many years of teaching experience do you have? Which subjects or languages do you teach? Which age groups or grade levels do you have experience teaching? Have you worked internationally? If so, in which countries? Have you previously worked as a tutor? If yes, please provide details (subjects, duration, level of students): Do you have experience teaching online? If yes, please describe your experience. Please list the subjects you are comfortable tutoring: English Math Phonics Chemistry Physics Science Are you comfortable using technology for online teaching? If so, which platforms and tools do you use? What types of resources (e.g., textbooks, online materials) do you typically use in your lessons? What qualities do you possess that make you a good tutor? What teaching methods or approaches do you use most frequently? How do you keep your students engaged and motivated? Why do you want to work as an online tutor? Do you have access to a reliable internet connection and a computer with a webcam and microphone? Yes No What is your current availability for tutoring sessions (days and times)? What is your hourly rate for tutoring? Do you have any specific policies regarding cancellations, rescheduling, or payment? Is there any other information you would like us to know about you? Please provide contact information for two professional references (name, email, phone number): Attach document Declaration: I certify that the information provided in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statements or omissions may result in the rejection of my application or termination of employment. Send